Different semi-natural habitat types provide complementary nesting resources for wild bees





land use, landscape composition, pollinators, biodiversity conservation


Semi-natural habitats provide refuge for pollinating insects such as wild bees. Different types of semi-natural habitat can provide complementary floral resources throughout the year, but it is uncertain to what extent different semi-natural habitat types provide nesting habitat for wild bees. In this study, nesting resources for wild bees and nest-searching bees were surveyed visually in three different types of semi-natural habitat (i.e., hollow roads, tree rows, and forest edges). The composition of nesting resources for wild bees varied across the three types of semi-natural habitat. We also identified clear indicators of nesting resources within the different habitat types. We conclude that different types of semi-natural habitat provide varying and complementary nesting resources for wild bees. This study further highlights the importance of semi-natural habitat for pollinator conservation and emphasizes the need for further research to increase our understanding how different wild bee species use different habitat types for nesting.

Author Biographies

Maxime Eeraerts, Michigan State University



Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University




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How to Cite

Eeraerts, M., & Isaacs, R. (2023). Different semi-natural habitat types provide complementary nesting resources for wild bees. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 34, 101–107. https://doi.org/10.26786/1920-7603(2023)726

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