About the Journal
Publisher and Contact
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Pollination Ecology (JPE) is a non-profit, open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that aims to promote the exchange of original knowledge and research in any area of pollination and pollinator ecology.
JPE invites manuscripts, short communications and reviews based on original descriptive and experimental research worldwide. The journal focuses on evolutionary and ecological aspects of pollination, abiotic as well as biotic pollination, reproductive strategies of plants in general, pollinator behaviour, community and population dynamics of plants and their pollinators as well as diversity and conservation issues. It invites contributions concerning all different modes of pollination and encourages interdisciplinary research from genes to ecosystems. Also contributions describing new or original methods relevant for the field are welcome.
Editorial and Peer Review Process
All submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editor-in-chief. This includes a quick assessment of the topic, the experimental setup, the language as well as a check for plagiarism. If the manuscript passes this first judgement, one of the associated editors is assigned to handle the review process. JPE operates a single-blind confidential peer-review process. Author names are not concealed. Editors and reviewers are expected to handle the manuscripts confidentially and must not disclose any details to anyone outside of the review process. Reviewers also have the right to confidentiality and their names are not revealed to authors unless they choose to sign their review. Peer review comments should remain confidential even after a manuscript receives a final decision.
Manuscripts are normally reviewed by two independent experts in the relevant area. In cases of conflict between those two reviews, a third opinion or that of one of the editors may be sought. All correspondence between an author, editor, and peer reviewer should remain in confidence unless explicit consent has been given by all parties, including the journal, or unless there are exceptional ethical or legal circumstances that require identities or details of the correspondence to be revealed. The final decision is made by the responsible associated editor or the editor-in-chief based on the reviews and his/her own opinion of the manuscript. The reviewers' and eventual editors' comments will be provided to the author along with the editorial decision.
Publishing Ethics
If you want to learn more about the publishing ethics JPE is adhering to, please follow this link.
!redo - reuse - recycle!
JPE offers the possiblity to submit previously rejected manuscripts and recycle reviews. This may help speed up publication time and releave scientists from doing redundant reviews. It is also a PCI-friendly journal (i.e. it will make use of reviews by PeerCommunityIn)
Publication Frequency
One of the biggest advantages of online publishing is promptness. Once an article has been accepted, copy edited and proofed by the authors, it will be published immediately as early view. In 2021, JPE decided to publish two volumes per year (one end of June, one end of December) and integrate all early view papers in the new volume. Special Issues will be published in-between.
Special Issue Policy
Special issues are a collection of articles focussing on a specific topic or produced in the course of a conference, congress, etc. They can be initiated by the journal editors or by external scientists who are experts in the field. Guest editors may be proposed and invited to oversee the review process along with the Editor in Chief. All submissions undergo the normal review process of all submissions to JPE.
Long term archiving
JPE uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) that digitally preserves OJS journals. The PKP PN then deposits content using the LOCKSS Program, which offers decentralized and distributed preservation.
Open Access Policy & Copyright Notice
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The public is allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. CC BY: This creative commone license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use.
How to cite Journal of Pollination Ecology
Articles will be numbered according to their appearance on the web, e.g.
J Poll Ecol 2011, 4(8), 57-67
refers to the 8th article in the fourth volume in 2011, pages 57-67.
JPE articles are indexed in
- Web of Science - Zoological Records
- Scopus
- EBSCO databases
- CABabstracts
- DOAJ - Directory of open access journals
- GoogleScholar
Sources of Support
JPE is grateful to be supported by ICPPR - The International Commission on Plant Pollinator Relationships. ICPPR is responsible for yearly fees for CrossRef and paid for the new system upgrade and first year fee for OJS 3. We encourage all authors that publish in JPE to subscribe to ICPPR - it's free!
The British Beekepers Association (BBKA) supports JPE with an annual grant that contributes to the online submission system OJS by PKP.
JPE received financial help (2009-2012 and in 2023) of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS.
We further are grateful for financial support by Biobest.
Journal History
The seed to develop this journal was planted in 2005 on a tiny island in Sweden, Tjärnö, at the SCAPE meeting – during “discussions over breakfast/dinner, overlooking the sea…“. Four years later, the first article was published.
The look of JPE was initially designed by wege & gehege - Koch-Bodes und Stolze GbR.