JPE has changed publisher!


The Royal Botanical Society of Belgium agreed to take over the publishing of JPE. We believe it is an excellent home for JPE: a non-profit organisation dedicated to the understanding and conservation of plant biodiversity and publisher of another diamond access journal, Plant Ecology and Evolution. Its secretary, Prof. Renate Wesselingh (UCLouvain, Belgium) is well-known among all “SCAPErs” as she organised SCAPE 2023 in Belgium with Carolin. For JPE, the publishing umbrella of the Society will guarantee its sustainability while keeping its ownership and independence. This change will also help us overcome some obstacles we have encountered with being indexed by Clarivate. Of course, JPE will keep its links to the ICPPR - The International Commission on Plant Pollinator Relationships

We are extremely grateful to Peter, Sherrene, and Enviroquest for their long-term support from the very first start of JPE.